Chat GPT vs Bing AI chat vs Bard, Which one is your favorite co-pilot?

Use it well!

Chat GPT

Chat GPT is a chatbot that uses a large dataset of text and code to generate natural language responses. It can analyze data and solve problems, but it does not have access to the internet or new information. It learns from user feedback and improves over time.

Bing AI chat

Bing AI chat is a chatbot that uses the same technology as Chat GPT, but it also has access to the web and can generate images. It can provide factual information and sources for its answers, but it has limits on how many queries and exchanges it can handle.


Bard is a chatbot that uses Google's own model, called LaMDA, to generate natural language responses. It can also access the web via Google Search, but it often gives less text-heavy answers. It is still in an experimental phase and not widely available.


Read how to start Chatbot >>

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